Advocacy, Education and Training
Having certification in Assessment and Workplace Training and vast experience with Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) Training, Ossima Prime can assist with Awareness Sessions, Inquiry User (basic search), End User (competent) and Administrator (expert) training.
Ossima Prime are experts in change, transition and promotion of Records and Information Management projects. If there is a strategy to implement then Ossima Prime will drive it successfully.
Collaboration and Connection
Collaboration is a vital part of Data, Information and Records Management. Discussions between Information Technology, Security, Privacy and other significant stakeholders is an important factor of the success of a mature information culture.
If there is a need for an Information Governance expert to be represented on a committee or working group, then Ossima Prime can assist with being the Records and Information Management expert that sits at the table and connects those governance pillars.
Independent Contracting
Ossima Prime is available to assist with a variety of Records and Information Management projects, including (but not limited to):
- Data Management projects (including appraisal or sentencing of data)
- Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) implementations or upgrades
- Records Management projects (including all aspects of Standards Framework such as access, create, capture, control, disposal, operational management, storage and strategic management)
All projects adhere to Best Practice Australian Standards AS ISO 15489: Records Management (and related standards where relevant) as well as State Records Authorities and client specific legislation outlining duties and responsibilities. Broader state and federal Records Management governance and legislative obligations are critical and will be firmly embedded.
Mentoring can be limited or broad and Ossima Prime provides focused or general mentoring for Records and Information Management practitioners.
A range of packages are on offer including:
- One Hour Prime Starter Pack
- Five Session Prime Focus
- Ossima Prime Review (including Eight Session Prime Focus plus a detailed report of objectives, strategies and progress or outcomes)